Portava tot el matí escoltant-la, entre classes de cello, i he pensat que era necessari penjar-la.
Per què eren tan grans els mamons?
[foto de Saragossa]
[foto de Saragossa]
Love of my life, you hurt me,
You broken my heart, now you leave me.
Love of my life cant you see,
Bring it back bring it back,
Dont take it away from me,
Because you dont know what it means to me.
Love of my life dont leave me,
Youve stolen my love now desert me,
Love of my life cant you see,
Bring it back bring it back,
Dont take it away from me,
Because you dont know what it means to me.
You will remember when this is blown over,
And everythings all by the way,
When I grow older,I will be there by your side,
To remind how I still love you
I still love you.
Hurry back hurry back,
Don't take it away from me,
Because you dont know what it means to me.
[The Queen]
pd. Estiu amb plans consolidats. St. Feliu, Coll de revell i etc, i Menorca.
Sense deixar d'oblidar les tantes i tantes festes majors.
Fantàstic i a disfrutar!
N o c a l o b l i d a r p e r s e g u i r e n d e v a n t
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